ODM Members interested in vying for presidency to pay sh.1 million

ODM leadership from left Chairman John Mbadi, Party leader Raila Odinga and Secretary General Edwin Sifuna./COURTESY

If you are interested in vying for the presidency in the next general elections under the Orange Democratic Movement party, all you need is a million shillings.

According to a letter signed by ODM registrar of elections body chairperson Catherine Muma, any Kenyan who is a registered voter and has a  degree and a member of ODM is free to vie for presidency come 2022.

The only condition is that they pay a non-refundable amount of one million shillings to the party.

Further, the aspirants would be expected to fill in a registration form, present a Kenyan Identification Card, ODM membership card, and a receipt from the bank showing proof of payment not later than the 26th of February.

The primary elections are expected to see ODM leader Raila Odinga race out with Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and his counterpart Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho.

