Seek permission before cutting trees in your homes- Malindi DCC

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has elicited fierce reactions over bringing back shamba system./COURTESY

Malindi sub-county commissioner Thuo Ngungi has warned locals against cutting trees in their homestead without permission.

Speaking in Malindi, Ngugi said homeowners need approval from the forestry department before felling trees in their homesteads.

He said the move is aimed at protecting the environment following rampant cases of charcoal burning in the area.

He says one must also give valid reasons for cutting trees in the homestead.

” You must tell the Foresty department why you must cut that tree in your home”, he added.

Ngugi also warned locals against cutting trees to burn charcoal saying it’s an environmental hazard.

” Charcoal burning has continued to destroy our environment and we will take action against the perpetrators”, he warned.

