Kwale Senator ranked best performing in the Coast region

Kwale Senator Boy Issa Juma, he was ranked the best performing./COURTESY

Kwale Senator Boy Issa Juma has been ranked the best performing senator in the Coastal region.

According to an Infotrak report, the Kwale Senator, who came in fourth nationally, was ranked best in the coast with 55.4 percent.

Taita Taveta’s Mwaruma Mwashushe came in second regionally and 20th nationally with 47.6 percent, followed by Kilifi’s Madzayo Stewart with 46.6 percent. Senator Madzayo was ranked 25th nationally.

Lamu County’s Anuar Loitiptip was at number four regionally and 34 nationally with 43.8 percent followed by Mombasa Senator Mohamed Faki who came in 38th nationally with 42.9 percent.

Just like the Governor rankings, Tana River Senator Golich Juma Wario came in last both in the region and nationally with 36.4 percent.

Nationally, Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr was ranked best performing senator followed by Elgeyo Marakwet’s Kipchumba Murkomen and Samburu’s Steve Lelegwe.

According to the report, Isiolo Senator Fatuma Adan Dullo was the only female in the top 10.

Dullo came in sixth with 54.6 percent.

In terms of MCAs performance rankings, Kwale again ranked top in the Coast with 50.4 percent, followed closely by Kilifi at 50.2 percent.

Taita Taveta came in third with 47.6 percent followed by Lamu with 47.5 percent and Tana River with 46.9 percent.

Mombasa MCAs were ranked the poorest performing in the region with 43.9 percent.

