Mombasa continues to flatten the COVID-19 curve

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe at a past briefing. 1,185 more people have tested positive for the disease to raise national infections to 53,797./COURTESY

Mombasa County continued on a downward COVID-19 infections curve after it recorded only six new cases out of the national 671 cases.

According to health cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe during covid19 daily briefing in Nairobi, the county has shown a significant decline on the number of infections as compared to Nairobi  and Kiambu counties that have continued to record quite a big number of infected persons.

The cases in Mombasa are distributed as follows; Nyali 3, Changamwe, Kisauni and Likoni (1) case each.

Out of 671 new cases in the country, Nairobi county had 376 cases followed closely by Kiambu with 112. Tana river county had 3 cases, Kilifi 2 and Taita Taveta one case only.

The 671 confirmed cases was from a sample test of 6,200 in the last 24 hours bringing the total number of positive cases to 23,873.

On the positive side,603 patient were discharged after recovery, bringing the total number of recoveries to 9,930.

Unfortunately, three patients succumbed to the disease bring the total number of deaths to 391.

