IG and DPP order investigation into killing of teenager

Inspector General of Police Hillary MutyambaI.Mutyambai has ordered the DCI to investigate circumastances sorrounding the death of a 13 year old boy in Huruma who is alleged to have been hit by a stray bullet /COURTESY

The Inspector-General of Police Hilary Mutyambai and the director of public prosecutions Nordin Hajj have directed the office of the Director of Criminal Investigation DCI, to investigate the incident where a 13-year-old boy was shot dead by police officers who were enforcing a curfew at Huruma estate in Nairobi on Monday night.

Speaking on Tuesday, Mutyambai has also ordered a forensic analysis of all firearms held by officers on duty that day.

“DPP Noordin Haji has directed the office of the National Police to thoroughly but urgently investigate reported incident of shooting of 13 yr old boy at Kiamaiko, Mathare & forward file to his office for appropriate direction,” said DPP Haji.

The boy who has been identified as Yasmin Husein was resting at the balcony with his mother when he was hit by a stray bullet that lodged in his stomach by alleged police officers that we’re enforcing the 7 pm curfew.

According to father, the deceased was rushed to Mama Lucy Hospital at around 8 pm, where he was admitted to the intensive care unit, but succumbed to his injuries hours later.

The Independent Policing Authority(IPOA) says it has taken up the matter and will lodge a formal complaint against the rogue officers.

