COVID-19: Kisauni families in fear after demolition of their houses

People walking past a house in Mishomoroni village in Kisauni. The Sub-county recorded eight new cases on Monday /COURTESY

Over 100 families in Umoja village within Kisauni Constituency, Mombasa County are living in fear of contracting coronavirus due to the pathetic situation they have been exposed after their houses were demolished by a private developer.

The residents claim they are now forced to gather in very tinny areas which is a recipe for the spread of the Covid 19 for they have no shelter neither can they observe social distancing.

According one resident who requested anonymity, they are forced gather in groups to ponder their next move hence exposing themselves to danger.

The developer is said to have hired a group of youth who demolished the houses under police watch.

“The government should intervene and have the matter resolved and let us be allowed to occupy our ancestral land”, they said.

The locals further accused the police for working with the developer to deny them access to their ancestral land.

They have vowed to stay put till the government revokes the purported tittle deed that the developer claims to own.

Efforts to reach the developer were futile as he was nowhere to be seen nor his contacts could not be availed.

On Monday, the Coast police boss Rashid Yakub said he’s not aware of any eviction order issued by any court.

