KRA to start accessing records of suspected tax cheats


The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) can now access all records of suspected tax cheats and manipulation in order to uphold tax policies in the country.

In a cardinal triumph for KRA, High Court judge Justice Weldon Korir on Thursday dismissed the suit ruling that the right to privacy can be limited within the law and in the public interest and privilege not to incriminate oneself cannot be used to get away with a crime.

 This follows the dismissal of a case that sought to stop the taxman from accessing private records.

Activist Okiya Omtatah had moved to the high court challenging some sections of the Tax Procedures Act on grounds that they infringe on taxpayers’ right to privacy.

In the past, KRA has used bank details, import records, motor vehicle registration details to execute charges,  against people whose tax filings fail to go hand in hand with revenue records

Omtatah had alleged that provisions of sections 57, 58(2), 59 and 99 of the Tax Procedures Act are a breach to the constitutional rights to privacy.

