Mbosso to headline Lamu cultural festival

Wasafi WCB singer Mbosso Khan be performing in Mombasa in a free entry concert PHOTO COURTESY

Wasafi WCB crooner Mbosso Khan will be the headlining act during the climax of the Lamu cultural festival.

The festival is expected to kick off on Thursday 12th December and Mbosso will be performing on Saturday the 14th.

According to a statement from his record label, his performance will start from 12.00 midnight till dawn.

More than 50,000 guests are expected to attend the festival according to the Kenya Tourism Board Chief Executive Officer Betty Radier.

“We expect higher participation this year owing to enhanced marketing of the event.Lamu Cultural Festival is among the key events that KTB is supporting in line with the tourism product diversification strategy agenda to showcase Kenya’s rich cultural diversity,” Betty said in a statement.

Mbosso becomes the second Tanzanian artiste to perform at the festival in less than five years.

However, he has huge shoes to fill putting into consideration his predecessors, Tanzanian band Offside trick had the festival end prematurely in 2017 after the organizers accused them of dancing explicitly.

Drama as Tanzanian band Offside trick irks guests at Lamu festival

Those who had turned up to witness the dance including children,elders,religious leaders and invited dignitaries had to hide their faces as dancers and singers of the troupe left little to imagination as they danced.

One of the women dancers particularly irked the observers by letting her hair loose and showing too much skin which is contrary to Islamic religious beliefs.

Many of the attendees felt the troupe’s performance did not in any way reinforce the cultural aspect of the festival.

Observers felt the explicit manner in which members of the “kidudu mtu’ hit-makers danced was not only embarrassing and shameful but it was also a direct disrespect and disregard to the general theme and objective of the event considering they had earlier on been briefed about the cultural event and asked to prepare accordingly.

According to organizers, the group had been asked to only perform songs and dances that would go along with the cultural theme, something many feel they deliberately failed to adhere to.

Several attempts and interventions to have the group rectify their performances fell on deaf ears as they would resume with the explicit dancing each time they were allowed back on stage.

Finally, event organizers and area leaders who were present, unable to take in any more of the shameful and embarrassing dances from the group had to literally walk to the podium, switch off the microphones and forcefully drag the dancers and singers from the stage.

