Former teacher in court over defiling pupils in Kilifi

A former headteacher in Kilifi has been arraigned in court over defiling his students PHOTO COURTESY

Joseph Muturi, a former Deputy Head Teacher at Muungano Primary School in Kilifi County was arraigned in court on Thursday over sexually assaulting his pupils.

Muturi was presented before the Kilifi Senior Principal Magistrate Justus Kituku and was given a bond of Sh500, 000 with one surety a similar amount.

Muturi who was a games master and first aider at the school is said to have sexually abused six girls aged 12yrs-17yrs who were part of a team that was to attend County Sports competition at Kijiwetanga primary school in Malindi Sub County between February 8 and 15 this year.

According to sources, the former Deputy Head Teacher asked all participants to spend their night at Muungano Primary before heading for the competition early the next morning.

“There were some boys among the team and that night he gave them a separate room where they slept. At night, he called the girls one by one and started applying liniment on their thighs but it was not only that, he extended his fingers to their private parts,” said the source.

Some girls who refused his advances were kicked out of the competition raising an alarm to the parents who after finding out what happened raised the matter up with the school management.

The teacher is currently being detained at the Bofa GK Prison with his case set to be mentioned  23rd  April   

