Shimo la Tewa MCA attacked as county seeks to fire casual laborers

Shimo la Tewa MCA Sammy Ndago who was attacked outside the county offices on Wednesday PHOTO COURTESY

Shimo La Tewa ward Member of County Assembly Sammy Ndago is nursing injuries following an incident where a group of rowdy young people attacked him outside the Kilifi county government offices in Kilifi town on Wednesday.

According to eyewitnesses, the county lawmaker was accosted by the rowdy youth when leaving the county offices.

The young people accused him of supporting a motion that was brought by Kayafungo MCA Alphonse Mawayaa that sought to terminate the services of all the casual labouers working in the county.

“Aware that Section 74 of the County Government Act, 2012 provides that the County Public Service Board shall regulate the engagement of persons on contract, volunteer and casual workers, the staff of joint ventures and attachment of interns in its public bodies and offices,” Read part of the motion tabled in the county assembly.

The motion was approved on Friday and the chief officers directed to terminate the contracts of all casual workers except those working in the health sector.

The county MCAs have argued that the county will first have to approve regulations for the engagement of persons under contract, volunteer, staff interns and casual workers before the casual laborers can be re-engaged.

However speaking at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations headquarters in Kilifi county after recording a statement on Wednesday, Sammy Ndago urged detectives to arrest those responsible for the attack.

