TSC to hire 12,698 interns to solve shortage crisis

TSC Chief executive officer Nancy Macharia PHOTO COURTESY
 Nairobi, KENYA: The government is set to solve the teacher’s shortage crisis rocking the country by hiring interns.

The parliamentary committee on education together with teachers service commission absolved that there is a need for the government to hire close to 80,000 graduands to attain the threshold needed to iron out the teacher’s crisis being experienced in the country.

“The additional teachers required are 87,300 it is exclusively teachers required for the additional.If they are not there then the government can hire interns the 12,698 .”Macharia said.

However, Teachers service commission ‘CEO Nancy  Macharia said that the acute shortage of teachers has been hampered by lack of funds from the exchequer.

It has emerged that close to Sh 20 billion is required to settle the hiring of interns so that the government can strategize on how to solve the matter.

She pointed out that the government has set aside funds to facilitate the hiring of secondary course teachers to make sure that there is a smooth transition of 100 percent of primary to secondary education.

