Watamu set to welcome plastic dhow to aid conservation campaign

The Plastic FlipFlopi during its launch in September,The Dhow is set to make its maiden Voyage from Lamu to Zanzibar later in the month arriving in Mombasa on 28th PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA: Tourism operators and conservationists in Watamu are gearing up to welcome FlipFlopi, a traditional dhow made of recycled plastic, to the coastal town on 26th January as she makes a stop-over on her historic maiden voyage from Lamu to Zanzibar.

FlipFlopi is the world’s first dhow made from 100% plastic trash collected from beaches and coastal towns.

It is scheduled to voyage from Lamu on January 24th and arrive in Zanzibar 14 days later on February 7th, making a number of stops along the way to raise awareness about the over 12 million tonnes of plastic waste being dumped in the ocean every year.

Hemingways Watamu, one of the partners of this initiative, is set to host the FlipFlopi Expedition crew when they stop over at Watamu Marine Park.

“Over the years, we have worked with our fellow community members to clear plastics from our beach and convert them to better use and are actively reducing single use plastics used in our properties throughout Kenya” said Hemingways Collection Operations Director, Mr. Ross Evans.

The dhow which has now partnered with UN Environment Clean Seas campaign will seek to join nine other African countries in the fight against marine pollution and highlighting the potential of ‘already used’ plastic.






