Police arrest two suspects that have been terrorizing Kwale residents

Kwale county commissioner Karuku Ngumo addressing the press after two suspects said to have been terrorizing residents were apprehended./COURTESY

Kwale, KENYA: Two suspects believed to be terrorizing residents of Diani and Ukunda in Msambweni sub-county were on Saturday arrested by police in Kwale county.

According to Kwale county commissioner Karuku Ngumo, the suspects have been stealing from residents and visitors who reside within the area.

Upon further investigations, Ngumo said that several weapons including a fake pistol, a machete and a jacket similar to that used by police officers were recovered.

“The two suspects helped police with investigations whereby we found some of the stolen items from tourists kept at their hiding place,” he said.

He confirmed that some of the visitors who had fallen victims of the duo were able to identify their stolen properties from the suspects.

Ngumo said that police are pursuing other suspects who are still on the run.

Ngumo assured residents and tourists visiting the area during this festive season that security had been enhanced.

