Bango music not cause of teenage pregnancies in Kilifi, says artists

A pregnant schoolgirl. PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: Musicians of popular Bango genre in Coast have distanced themselves from rising cases of teenage pregnancies in Kilifi County.

A report by Kilifi county Health department shows that there are more than 13,000 cases of teenage pregnancy in the County.

FIDA concerned over increased teenage pregnancies

Speaking in Frere Town, the artists have instead blamed parents for abdicating their role of bringing up families.

The bango music which is mostly performed in weddings and burial ceremonies almost every weekend is very popular in Kilifi, Malindi and Mariakani.

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Chairperson of Coastal artists Nickson Bahari has also decried a move by Kilifi County government to ban bango music especially at night events claiming it has rendered a lot of youth jobless.

“It’s not our fault. It’s the role of parents to guide their children and not us. Music is not a crime. We want this ban to be lifted immediately”, he said.

Translation by George Otieno

