Akothee hints on baby plans after baby daddy apartment surprise


Singer and businesswoman Akothee is thinking of having another baby, going by her instagram post on Tuesday night.

The self proclaimed president of single mothers, who currently has five children from different fathers, seems to have reconsidered her earlier plans of not having another kid after one of her baby daddies surprised her with a new apartment right opposite her kids school.

“Let’s take a moment and appreciate my ride and die papa Oyoo @oyootheprince @princeojwang ! A very selfless guy, he just surprised me with a new apartment directly opposite the school! He deletes all the memories I have for baby daddies. Thinking of having a baby soon,” posted Akothee on Instagram.


Unlike before where the kids could wake up early and take a 45 minute drive to school it will now take them only 2 minutes to get to school.

Akothee further advised ladies not to imitate her lifestyle as it’s not what she had planned with her life and may not be as easy as it may look.

