Kajwang wants Ruaraka land owner investigated over bribery

Homabay Senator Moses Kajwang , The senator has called the senate speaker to investigate Ruaraka land owner Francis Mburu over sh 100 million scam PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Senate committee chair on  Public Accounts and Investment, Moses Kajwang want the senate speaker Ken Lusaka to initiate committee to investigate allegations by Ruaraka land owner Francis Mburu that some senators were soliciting  bribes from him.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings, senator Kajwang said that following Mburu’s allegations that senators tried to solicit shs 100 million from him after committees probe of the Ruaraka land saga,there is need for the  speaker through the powers and privileges committee to initiate probe on such allegations and take action against any senator who might have been involved in it , also take action against Mburu if his allegations are unsubstantiated.

“We therefore request the speaker of the senate to convene the powers and privileges committee  to summon Francis Mburu and his sidekicks to substantiate the allegations of impropriety.”Kajwang said

“We recommend that action be taken against any senator who might have breached parliamentary privilege. “He added

He accused Mburu of frustrating the committee in  unearthing the  truth about the Ruaraka land saga ,which he insisted that it that is worth shs 3.5 billion.

Kajwang indicated that their investigations was  to prosecute those found guilty of causing the loss of shs 1.5 billion and intention to defraud a further shs 1.7 billion whereby investigations were  to focus on Francis Mburu and directors of his companies which  includes Afrison ,Huelands ,Whispering Palms and Drive Inn.

The report indicated that the Ruaraka land was not private land  as alleged by Mburu but it was public land, chair  insisting that as per their report Mburu wanted to defraud the government its public land.

