Police hunt Kilifi Pedophile who bragged raping 5 year old

A former headteacher in Kilifi has been arraigned in court over defiling his students PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: Police have launched a manhunt for a Facebook user who bragged about defiling underage girls including a young girl aged 5 or 6 years.

The man known as Baki Baki  Hanga who is suspected to be living and working in Kaloleni, Kilifi county  sparked outrage on social media over the weekend after posting several photos on popular Kilimani mums and dads facebook group bragging on how he had raped two underage girls one of them who was aged between 5  and 6 years and another aged  around17 years.

In one of the photos, the man said how he was planning to lure the the5/6-year-old girl to his house with a soda before proceeding to rape her.

This prompted social media users to call upon the police to act to arrest the suspect.

The Directorate of criminal investigations called on the National police service to apprehend the suspect who according to his Facebook profile studied criminology at Pwani University College and works for a security firm.

Should he be arrested, the suspect is likely to be charged with manufacturing material promoting or intended to promote a sexual act with a child according to section 12 of the sexual offenses act.

The act recommends a jail term of not less than 5 years and a fine of not less than sh.500,000.

This comes hot on the heels of increased cases of men bragging about defiling underage on social media.

In 2016, two men including a Kenya Airports Authority employee were arrested over bragging about having sex with a minor while another man Calvin Alfayo alias Mohamed Alfayo was arrested in Sotik after he bragged about how he had defiled a class, four girl.

Activists in Kilifi have been battling to fight defilement of a minor.

Earlier in the month, Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa called for the chopping off of the genitals of child defilers as a way to discourage the rising cases of child defilement in Kilifi.

