Gov’t launches steering committee to coordinate youth day activities

Cabinet secretary for youth and Gender Affairs Magret Kobia, officiating steering committee that will foster youth affairs during World Youth Day. PHOTO: Michael Mbugua.

The government has launched a steering committee that will plan, manage and coordinate the commemoration of the international youth day activities.

Commemoration events are marked and organized each year to highlight youth issues and promote awareness on their concerns.

In a press conference in Nairobi on Thursday, youth and gender affairs cabinet secretary Margaret  Kobia alluded that, the international Youth Day which will be market all over the world on date 12 August 2018 will preceded by week-long of activities across the counties.

She said that the main aim of the committee is to do preparation for united nation for international Youth Day and later deliberate on what are some of the challenges and issues affecting the youths globally.

“The government as you are aware has attached a lot of importance on the issues of youths and that is why the office of the president find it important to introduce the ministry of youths ,” Said Kobia

Stake holders from government ministries, county governments, civil society and private sector have been invited to attend to the youth agenda and be part of the steering committee which will be chaired by principle secretary in the ministry, Hon Safina Tsungu Kwekwe.

The youths in different counties have also  been urged to take an active role in the activities of the youth week, in order to take the opportunity to voice their concerns, learn and participate in matters that affect them.

The steering committee members will include representatives from the office of the president, office of the deputy president, United Nations, Habitat, national assembly, council of governors among others.

The youth Day commemoration of Sunday 12 of August 2018 that will be held in Kisii County will be occasioned and graced by H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta.

