Fatuma Ahmed appointed as Kenya’s first female Army Major General

President Uhuru Kenyatta together with General Fatuma Ahmed when he presided a swearing-in ceremony of new army commanders at State House. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday made history by appointing the first woman in Kenya as a Major General of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).

“It is my pride and joy today to launch the first Kenyan woman as a Major General in the republic. I am counting on you to be a role model to the women in this republic and to prove to them that there is no limit for the Kenyan women,” announced President Uhuru.

President Kenyatta made the announcement of the appointment of Fatuma Gaiti Ahmed as Kenya’s first KDF Major General on Friday at State House when he presided over a swearing-in ceremony of new army commanders.

He said that General Fatuma will be an assistant to Chief of Defence Chief of Defence Forces KDF General Samson Mwathethe assisting in the area of personnel and logistics in the Kenya Defence Forces.

“I congratulate General Fatuma Gaiti Ahmed for being the first woman major general in the country. I am counting on you,” said President Kenyatta.

Lt. General Robert Kibochi was appointed the new Vice Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces and Maj. General Francis Ogolla, the new Commander of the Kenya Airforce.

“Gen Ogolla I hope you continue to bring your expertise to the Country, we celebrate you and wish you well in your mandate,” emphasized President Uhuru.

President Uhuru thanked the whole defense forces for their services in protecting the nation urging them to keep up the good work.

“We are grateful and thankful for the service that you have provided to this country for many years, we look forward to working with you in all capacities as we continue to work towards growing, developing and defending our nation,” said President Uhuru Kenyatta.

In 2015, General Fatimah Ahmed became the first woman Brigadier in the country, and also received Head of State Commendation in 2017.

