Rich Mavoko’s ‘girlfriend’ returns dowry after breakup with Joho

Lulu Diva and Rich Mavoko PHOTO COURTESY

A few weeks ago the internet was awash with reports that Wasafi stable singer Rich Mavoko was dating fellow artiste Lulu Diva.

This was after the two were seen cozying up to each other in several events including the unveiling party of new WCB signee Mbosso.

Well, it has now emerged that the flamboyant Lulu who was engaged to a businessman identified as Joho has been forced to return back dowry that had been paid to her parents.

This was after Joho learned of her affair with fellow artiste Rich Mavoko.

Lulu told global publishers that she had decided to return the dowry herself.

Last year Lulu told a Kenyan radio station that she was single and ready to mingle, this was at the height of reports doing rounds that she was secretly dating Kenyan artiste cum legislator Jaguar.

However speaking to global publishers, A Tanzanian publication, Lulu accused her ex-boyfriend of mistreating her when they were dating.

“Yaani sitaki kukumbuka maana kipindi niko na Joho alinitenda sana kiasi kwamba nilikuwa nikikesha nalia ,Alinifukuza kwenye nyumba niliyokuwa nikikaa na hata Nyumba alioninunulia alinipokonya”

( I hate to remember when I was dating Joho as he really mistreated me.I used to cry a lot and he even chased me out of his house and repossessed the vehicle he had gifted me with” Lulu said.

This is not the first time that Lulu’s ex is repossessing gifts to the singer over a misunderstanding.

Last year, the said ex-forced Lulu to grab a cab home after he took back a Mercedes Benz he had gifted to the singer on allegations that she was cheating on him with fellow Tanzanian singer Madee.

Lulu later distanced himself from having a romantic relationship with Madee.

