I am ready to die for secession of the Coast Region! Says Kingi

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi PHOTO FILE

Kilifi, KENYA: Kilifi governor Amason Kingi has said he is ready to die in order for the secession of the Coast region to materialize in Kenya.

He said he does not fear anything as the movement is within the rule of law in the Country and internationally.

Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony of a ten-member cabinet for the Kilifi County Government on Thursday, Kingi said time has now come for the Coastal people to redefine their destiny after being marginalized for long.

He said the issue of historical injustices on land, the unfair electoral process during every general elections, discrimination in public resources allocation and irregular flow of the County funds disbarment as some of the main reasons sparking the move.

“This is the time and no other time to fight for the secession of the Coast from the nation of Kenya,” Kingi said.

“We must redefine our Destiny as people of the Coast because we don’t see any prospects of change in the current Government of Kenya. That means marginalization will even be double that we have been going through. It also means that there is no one to solve the issue of the land in this region. As a result, I am ready to offer my blood for the benefit of the current generation and the coming generation, so secession is even more relevant as of now,” he added.

He said soon all Coast leaders of all races will come together to discuss the way of the move to ensure the backing of everyone in the region as the journey begins.

“We will soon come together, the politicians, Kaya elders, youth’s leaders, women leaders and other people to discuss the way of secession. No retreat no surrender,” Kingi assured.

However, Kilifi North Mp Owen who is the pioneer of the move, said he would table the bill immediately they return to parliament after recess.

