NASA supporters banned from receiving Raila at JKIA

NASA supporters at a past rally PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:The inspector general of police Joseph Boinett has banned NASA supporters from accessing the Jomo Kenyatta international airport on Friday to receive NASA leader Raila Odinga who is expected to land in the country on Friday from the US.

In a statement on Wednesday the IG said that only those with legitimate businesses at the airport and travelers will be allowed to access the facility.

“Those without valid reasons to access the facility will hence be denied entry,Therefore those making plans for the day are hence advised accordingly” reads the statement.

Boinett also urged those planning for a rally on Thursday to prepare to receive the NASA leader to follow the law.

A section of NASA allied legislators among the Siaya senator James Orengo have said they will swear in the NASA Leader once he arrives from the country from the United states.

