Parents Association back IEBC’s decision to conduct polls on October 17

IEBC immediate ex-Chairperson Wafula Chebukati. PHOTO: file

Nairobi, KENYA: Kenya Parents Association,Kenya private Schools Association and Elimu Yetu coalition have backed the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission decision to conduct a repeat of presidential elections on 17th October .

In a media briefing in Nairobi led by National Parents Association chair Muthoni Ouko, she said that there is need for the IEBC to conduct elections on 17th to permit candidates to sit for their national examinations .

“The IEBC has come up with a date in accordance with the law ,a decision that was taken after consultation with other stakeholders.”Ouko said.

They want students to be given time from 17th to 20th after which they embark on their exams as from 23rd.

They sharply differed with opposition especially Raila Odinga on his remarks that exams be postponed to pave way for elections.

She accused the political class of ignoring the exams of children an issue which is cardinal in the development of a country which she added that it is equally important as elections..

Ouko urged politicians to consider the fate of 11 million children who will sit for their examinations in order to avert any political interference.

They also urged all players in the electoral process to ensure they work within timelines with the IEBC to ensure that election exercise is realised.

National Super Alliance (Nasa) chief Raila Odinga on Tuesday dismissed the October 17th date for repeat election set by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission inidicating that NASA as a stakeholder was not consulted.

