New web-based tool for storing students data to be rolled out soon

System developers from across Kenyan government work late into the night to develop Kenya’s National Education Management Information System. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Schools across the country will now be required to have a registered code that will enable every student’s information stored in a Data system dubbed National Education Information Management System( NEMIS).

The system is set to be rolled out on 28th of August after its validation and will be launched by the Cabinet Secretary for Education Fred Matiang’i.

Speaking in a meeting that brought NEMIS stakeholders together in Nairobi on Friday, Matiang’i stated that the system will be rolled out in both private and public schools.

He indicated that quite a number of schools are not registered with the ministry, thus, making it difficult for the ministry to ascertain the number of schools and students across the country.

“We want students record to be kept in a responsible manner and any school that will not acquire this code will go” Matiang’i warned.

The CS argued that the system will enable them distribute resources as the data will be clearly showing where there is a scarcity of resources so as to avoid situation whereby resources are being distributed to non existing students.

“It is alarming that we are distributing resources to non-existing students and we have no choice than working in accuracy” Matiang’I lamented.

He further said that the idea of every school having a code will help in knowing where there is even scarcity of teachers in the country.

He has further warned head of schools that any inaccuracy that will be witnessed from their schools after the commencement of the system,they will take total responsibilities to it.

However,Matiangi affirmend that, the third term curriculum and arrangements on school running, will still remain the same.

