Peace music lands Mombasa artiste interview with International broadcasters

Mombasa reggea artiste Natty OJ PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:In the run-up to elections held on Tuesday’s elections several Kenyan celebrities decided to use their talents and celebrity status to campaign for their preferred presidential candidates.

Celebrities like Willy Paul, Ali Kiba , Ally B and Bahati used their musical talents to compose music urging their followers to campaign for specific candidates.

Other like Grace Msalame and Huddah Monroe openly declared their preferred choice of presidential candidates.

With all this happening one Mombasa artiste choose not to campaign for any presidential candidate but rather focus on promoting cohesion among Kenyans.

Natty OJ A Mombasa based reggae artiste in a candid interview with Baraka FM revealed that his music was inspired by the events that took place in the aftermath of the 2007 election where violence between different sides of the political divide lead to the loss of more than 1000 people and displacement of more than 600,000.

“I realized that an enemy to Kenyans does not necessarily have to be an outsider, Ethnicity and not embracing diversity is also a big enemy which can cause Kenyans to turn against each other just like it did back then” Natty told Baraka FM.

With several artistes only focusing on peace music when political temperatures are heated Natty revealed that he would continue preaching peace .

“I am a peace ambassador; I have and will always strive to deliver the message of peace and goodwill.” Natty said.

Natty OJ’s music video “We need peace which he features fellow reggae artiste Danny Man has been receiving airplay and landed him interviews with international broadcasters like Radio France International and Voice of America .

Watch the video:

