Kiraithe demands apology from Sen. Nyong’o over KDF spokesman remarks

Government spokesperson Eric Kiraithe PHOTO/ FILE.

Nairobi, KENYA: Government spokesperson Eric Kiraithe has demanded an apology from Kisumu Senator Anyang’ Nyong’o over KDF spokesman disappearance claims.

Kiraithe said the government has vowed to take action on any politician that tends to cause anxiety with inciting sentiments during this electioneering period.

Addressing journalists in Nairobi on Wednesday, Kiraithe said that the government is not in the business of drawing unnecessary attention to any politician, saying everyone shall be held accountable for their mistake.

“Let us not give these politicians mileage by trying to concentrate in every small thing they say.” Said Kiraithe.

Kiraithe was referring to Kalonzo Musyoka and Nyong’o’s remarks that the KDF spokesperson Joseph Owuoth had gone missing, which later turned out to be false allegations; demanding an apology from the two.

He stated that the country will continue regardless of whoever wins or lose the elections and that Kenyans should recall the 2007 post election violence, of which some are yet to even recover from the trauma.

He further said that, Gatundu MP Moses Kuria should also apologize to the family of the late IEBC ICT Manager Chris Msando for the utterances he made on his Facebook account, that Msando was enjoying himself with his ‘mpango wa kando’.

The government has however dismissed claims that police is being trained in rigging the elections and said that the exercise they are undergoing in various parts of the country, is for the purpose of countering any eventualities affecting the security of the people.

The Government spokesperson promised to hold press briefings every day at 11AM at KICC to update the country on the happenings of the elections and security until the final announcement of the results.

