Nkaiserry died of acute heart attack, reveal postmortem results

The late Interior CS Joseph Nkaiserry. FILE/PHOTO

Nairobi, KENYA: The postmortem results for the late Interior CS Joseph Ole Nkaisserry have revealed that he suffered a heart attack, this is according to a team of pathologists led by chief government pathologist Johansen Oduor.

The six-hour postmortem conducted on Monday to determine the cause of Nkaisserry’s death, revealed that he suffered a condition known as myocardial infarction.

“He suffered an acute heart attack occasioned by a compromised vessel taking blood to the heart,” said Dr. Bessie Byakika, who represented the family at the Lee Funeral Home.

Dr Byakika said the family had ruled out foul play even as investigations went on, she added that the condition can be caused by age, food, blood clot, long sitting position of an individual, among other triggers.

According  to Dr. Mohammed Salim a cardiologist at Aga Khan Mombasa; a myocardial infarction is a kind of heart attack  that happens when there is a sudden blockage of an artery in the heart, which is the irreversible death of heart muscle.

Dr. Salim adds that this can be due to accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessel; people with diabetes and hypertension are more likely to suffer from this. He however says anybody can suffer from this kind of a heart attack.

Government pathologist Johansen Odour assisted by two specialists seconded by the family and lawyer Maiyan Sankare oversaw the examination.

Meanwhile, the burial arrangements for the late Nkaiserry have already been put in place and he is set to be buried at his farm in Bisil, Kajiado county on Saturday.

According to the national funeral committee chaired by Health CS Cleopa Mailu, a memorial mass will be held on Thursday at the Nairobi Baptist Church along Ngong road.

“Condolence books will be available as from Tuesday. The service begins at 9.30am on Thursday and is open to the public. Members of the public are advised to be seated by 8.30am.” Said Dr. Mailu.

Nkaissery, 67, died at the Karen Hospital on Saturday.

