Political Leaders  join Kenyans in mourning Nkaiserry


Several leaders in the Kenyan political divide have joined Kenyans in  mourning  the late interior CS Joseph Nkaiserry.

President Uhuru Kenyatta in a televised speech mourned the late CS terming him as a ‘gallant officer’.

“Mr Nkaiserry believed in the principals and foundations this country was built” said the president.

Uhuru said he  was last with the CS on Friday night when they were discussing issues relating to peace and unity.

On his social media accounts , deputy president William Ruto termed Nkaiserry’s passing on as shocking.

“Major General (Rtd) Nkaissery led from the front, was a passionate public servant and played a crucial role in keeping us safe and securing our borders.” Ruto said.

NASA presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga who addressed the nation from Mombasa mourned the fallen CS .

Raila remembered the late CS as a man who was commited to ensuring that the nation is secure.

“Despite his knowledge and mastery of battleground arsenals, it was the issue of the elimination of small arms that was his foremost priority, which are the principal source of the violence that has periodically ravaged our nation for far too long. He religiously attended every national, regional or international forum where the elimination of this scourge was discussed.” Raila said.

Mombasa governor Hassan Joho sent his condolences to the family of the fallen CS.

Nkaiserry’s body is currently at the Lee funeral home in Nairobi .

