Investigating me over Kajiado utterances is a waste of time, Raila to Jubilee


Nairobi, KENYA: Opposition chief Raila Odinga has told off the government over the calls to investigate and arrest him over remarks he uttered while in Kajiado county last week on the land question.

In a media briefing in Nairobi on Monday, Raila denounced accusations by Interior cabinet secretary Joseph Nkaisserry and Jubilee leaders urging the government agencies to move with speed and arrest him over the remarks.

They accused him of fueling hatred among Kajiado residents by urging the locals not to sell land to non locals.

Raila insisted that his utterances did not amount to incitement indicating that he urged Kajiado residents not to sell their land despite the fact that they are low income earners .

Raila accused the Jubilee administration on the plight of land affecting Kenyans by failing to implement truth justice and reconciliation commission recommendations in bid to resolve land injustices in the country.

He also faulted the government by amending land laws which puts the community land under the lands cabinet secretary an issue he argues that might be a loophole to land grabbing.

Pressure has been mounted on Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery to have Odinga arrested for allegedly making inflammatory remarks especially from the Rift Valley Council of Elders,while majority leader Aden Duale and other Jubilee leaders urging Odinga to apologise to Kenyans over the matter.

