Joho renews attacks on president Uhuru Kenyatta

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho .PHOTO FILE

Kilifi,KENYA:Mombasa governor Hassan Joho has called President Uhuru Kenyatta a political tourist following his frequent visits to the coast.

Joho said his visits to the coast portrays his fear of losing votes from the people of the coast as he has nothing evident to prove to them.

Speaking in Mariakani on Thursday during a NASA rally attended by the coalition’s presidential flag bearer and leader of Orange Democratic movement ODM, Raila Odinga, Joho dismissed the jubilee government for boasting of projects they did not initiate.

“When Uhuru visits the coast region, let him know that he is coming as a tourist,” Joho said.

“He has a lot of money for you to take. Take the money and vote NASA in instead because when you marry a lady who has a child from a previous relationship accept that you are a step father because you did not sir that child. Jubilee should accept that the SGR and the Mariakani –Mavueni road they are boasting of is not their ‘child’. Jubilee has frustrated the region and its time they should pack and go,” added Joho.

He accused the Jubilee administration of impairing the economy of the coast region.

“The SGR will kill some of the businesses because these trucks you see parking in Mariakani to repair tyres and buy a few things will no longer be in your sight,” reiterated Joho.

He said the jubilee government is claiming it cannot carry the port of Mombasa to Naivasha by word of mouth but we can see it happening from their deeds.

“What they are doing is taking the services of the port to Naivasha so the port will be just route. We will only remain with the ocean,” said Joho.

The NASA leaders are in the coast region to propagate the coalition in their bid to eject President Kenyatta.

On his party, Raila urged residents to vote in NASA to liberate the country from the Jubilee leadership.

They toured Mariakani, Kaloleni, Rabai and Mazeras.

He attacked the government for stage managing the maize crisis in the country.

“They undertook to subsidize maize flour but Kenyans are not getting the product in the shops. We must say enough is enough and in August Uhuru must go home with his team. We must restore dignity to this country,” Raila said.

Odinga was accompanied by Senator James Orengo, Siaya MP John Mbadi, Suba Mp Junet Mohamed of Migori, Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi, Senator Stewart Madzayo, Mishi Mboko, Agnes Zani and Kilifi Women MP Asha Jumwa.

