Water shortage hits Kilifi county

Residents of Bamba town in Kilifi County fetch water from a well at Mwagunga. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Kilifi, KENYA: Residents in Kilifi County are crying foul over water shortage said to have hit the County for some time now.

The residents reckon negligence from the county government and the County’s water services boards, saying  no permanent solution has been offered.

Speaking in Kilifi town on Tuesday , Maimuna Farouk, a resident in the heart of Kilifi County, said the shortage has caused residents inconveniences as they are forced to turn to Salty borehole water.

She said the salty water is unsafe for domestic usage but have no other option than to use it especially during this holy month of Ramadan.

“We are really passing through a hard time in our county as lack of water has now become monotonous to us,” said Maimuna.

“This problem has been coming up year in year out and the government knows that, but then nothing  has done to find a permanent solution. I think this is unfair,” reiterated Maimuna.

She said the government must take its responsibility fully to ensure proper living standards for its people especially when it comes to basic needs.

She said there is a risk of pupils missing out of schools due to the shortage of the essential commodity.

However, Kilifi County CEC of Water and sewerage Kiringi Mwachitu said the county is working around the clock to solve the problem.

He said the problem would be solved in the shortest time possible for the betterment of the residents.

“We are working on the issue and we hope it will be solved as soon as possible as we know that it’s an essential commodity that has to be available,” said Mwachitu.

The problem is said to have hit the county for the past one week.

