Lamu Mp accuses police of using excessive force outside court, calls for investigations

Lamu west MP Julius Ndegwa. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: Lamu west Mp Julius Ndegwa has called for intensive investigations into an incident where police shot and injured two people outside the Lamu court on Friday evening.

The two, a 16 year old boy and 40 year old Mohamed Yusuf were part of a group of rioters who attempted to snatch a convict who had just been handed a 20 year sentence for drug peddling from police custody.

Two police officers were also injured during the scuffle after they were attacked with stones,knives and clubs.
Speaking in Lamu on Monday,Ndegwa criticized the police for using excessive force to disperse the unarmed rioters.

“The security should look into the matter fast.There is need to ascertain if any officer misused their weapon after which the law must follow due course.They should have used reasonable force after all the youths weren’t armed.I don’t see what warranted them to open fire on these people,” said Ndegwa.

The MP however also cautioned residents against taking the law into their own hands and said there were other ways to resolve matters than physically engaging or confronting the police, whom he said were only doing their job escorting the convict to prison.

Ndegwa also urged locals to respect the law and steer away from chaos as the national gears up for the August 8 general elections.

He said there was need for the police to be non partisan in dealing with any such matters during this electioneering period in order to avoid being put on the spot.

“The law must be respected by all.If you feel you aren’t satisfied with the court’s decision,you can always appeal and not engaging the police.Police mist however strive to always strive to act non-partisan in any situation especially during this election period.we don’t want a certain group of people feeling the police are targeting them.we don’t want any tension,”said Ndegwa.

