Gender based violence cases still rampant in Kilifi county


Kilifi,KENYA:Gender based violence is still on the high in Kilifi County, a report on statistics shows.

The report released by a non-governmental organization CREAW on Thursday at one of hotels in Kilifi, shows that a total of 124 cases of gender based violence to children have been recorded between January 2017 up to date.

Isabel Mwangi, coordinator of the organization in Kilifi County told Baraka fm that report shows only 45 cases have been taken to court.

“During the research and data collection in various areas of the county, we were disappointed by the situation especially in the villages,” said Isabel.

“The information we got from duty barriers such as the police, Hospitals etc at the Court they told us they have dealt with 124 cases from January 2017 up to date, which is in higher side,” added Isabel.

The coordinator said the biggest challenge they recognized from the villagers is poverty and lack of information on how to deal with such cases.

She said most parents and guardians are still advocating for kangaroo courts.

“The challenge is that most parents are advocating for kangaroo courts when it comes to these cases,” said Isabel.

“As an organization we have started sensitization programs to parents and other stakeholders of gender based violence,” reiterated Isabel.

She urged parents to take up their responsibility to their children and be open to them.

Hilda Mupa, a parent from Kaloleni attested to the allegations saying it’s true parents are the main cause of gender based violence rise.

She said there has instance when a parent has no time with her/his children and that been hindering the children from important information on real life.

“We parents have contributed indirectly, as we most of us have been distancing ourselves from our children, hence ending up depriving them with useful information in their daily lives,” said Hilda.

This comes as Kilifi County has been on the spotlight on high rates of gender based violence.

