Governor Kingi threatens to cancel contractors’ tenders stalling county projects

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi. FILE/PHOTO.

Kilifi, KENYA: Kilifi County Governor Amason Kingi has threatened to cancel all tenders belonging to contractors doing shoddy jobs in the county.

Kingi said he has been receiving complaints from the public that some of the contractors are delaying projects with reasons best known to them.

Speaking in Kolewa-Junju in Kilifi South constituency during a project tour, Kingi said he has already ordered the cancellation of one contractor for failing to complete a road within the stipulated time frame.

“There are lots of complains from the community that contractors are not doing their work as required.Some projects are perfect while others are shoddy. Any lousy contractors will go home instantly.” said Kingi.

The Governor accused local contractors for being in the forefront to sabotage service delivery by the County government to the people, by not completing their work in time.

“I used to get complains that my government sidelines local contractors, but it is very unfortunate that the local contractors have failed to deliver,” said Kingi.

However, Kingi blamed his officers for not supervising the work done by the contractors and reporting the mess to him on time.

He gave out an example of Bureni ECD contract that has stalled since 2013 up to date.

“I want him to go home right away whether a local or non-local. This is because I am always the one who carries the blame for all the shoddy projects done,” he said.

He applauded the community saying they have been the best watchdog on the county’s work.

“The people and the government must work together because the benefit of good development belongs to you and not me. You must be painful with your money,” he said.

A local resident Mary Mwagona said the water projects have delayed for years leading to the community using dirty water from dams.

She said they walk many kilometers in search of water.

Meanwhile, Chief Officer in charge of Water Samuel Kombe assured residents that the ongoing Mapawa-Kolewa water project, which is the major water project in the ward, will be complete end of March as well as Kateta –Shariani pipeline.

