Ugandan Legislators pass motion to reward national soccer team

Ugandan goalkeeper Denis Onyango in action. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Kampala, UGANDA: Ugandan Parliament on Tuesday passed a motion that will see its legislators dig deep into their pockets to reward their national soccer team Uganda Cranes following their triumph in 2016.

The motion which was brought to the floor by Parliament Football Team captain Hon. Dennis Obua received support from the Members of Parliaments who agreed to appreciate their players with a token.

The over 400 lawmakers will each now contribute UgSh. 500,000 ($ 150) which is equivalent to shs.15,000 to reward their national soccer team.

Uganda Cranes was named Africa’s best national men’s soccer team in 2016 by Confederation of African Football CAF after it qualified for the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations after 38 years of waiting.

READ ALSO: President Museveni applauds history makers Uganda Cranes

Meanwhile, team captain Dennis Onyango scooped the African based best player award in a year in which he won CAF Champions League with Mamelodi Sundowns of South Africa.

Interestingly, the MP who proposed the motion Hon. Denis Obua also lead Ugandan Parliament soccer team to claim East African Inter Parliamentary Games held in Mombasa, Kenya in December.

This leaves Kenyans wish their lawmakers borrowed a leaf from their neighbors and reward our athletes who have in many occasions conquered the world with their talents.

