Kwale Luhya community endorses Mudavadi as national leader


Kwale,KENYA: The Kwale luhya community have endorsed ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi as the  national community leader.

The community says it has reached the decision of supporting Musalia Mudavadi as the Mulembe nation spokesperson; after report findings in a research commissioned by COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli; terming it as a well researched, inclusive and well structured.

“It is quite evident that the research was all inclusive and well structured, this is the reason why it has been accepted by all our members and we will stand and agree with the resolutions,” said Kennedy Wesonga, a Luhya elder in Kwale County.

The members have also expressed their support for Musalia Mudavadi in his chase to become the president.

“We cannot all be leaders at the same time, others have to accept to be led,” added Wesonga.

Kwale County Luhya Community chairman Patrick Yasisi said that the time to have one leader who can speak for the entire community has come and there is need to have him.

He said the community in the whole country has to support Mudavadi to ensure that they have a huge bargaining power.

“We ask him to go and speak with other leaders including Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Gideon Moi as we back him,” Said Yasisi.

They called for peaceful campaigns and elections urging Mudavadi to continue uniting Kenyans under the National Super Alliance (NASA)

“The Mulembe has decided to walk together and we have been walking together since time in memorial, but after the demise of Kijana wamalwa we have been shaky, so we now want to stand together,” said Lazurus Mukhwana.

