Mombasa boda boda operators want sponsored riding lessons from Governor


section of  bodaboda operators in Mombasa County have appealed to Governor Abdulswamad Swamad to sponsor them for riding lesson.

Led by Tuva Gona, they say the trainings will equip them with road safety skills to curb accidents which have killed and maimed riders.

Gona said some riders jump on motorbikes without any prior training leading to accidents.

He blamed lack of funds to pay for driving lessons saying the training will offer such people with skills.

“We should be trained to ride a motorcycle. A bike is like a car, if we don’t train on how to ride, we shall cause accidents and risk life and limbs of Kenyans”, he said.

A pedestrian Stephen Mwaringa, cautioned the operators against riding without reflector jackets.

“We must wear reflector and helmet to avoid injuries during accidents. It’s true most boda bodas in Kenya are not trained”, he alluded.

Narok County is among counties that have sponsored free riding lessons to boda bod operators to avert road accidents.

