600,000 Mombasa residents to benefit from Fresh Life Toilets

Mombasa County Water CEC Emily Achieng flanked by officials during launch of Fresh Life Toilets project photo> Khamis Ngoka


Up to 600,000 residents from low-income areas in Mombasa County will benefit from Fresh life toilets project to ensure clean and safe environment.

Fresh Life toilets which prefer using saw dust instead of water, addresses the sanitation crisis in informal settlements by working with schools and local communities to provide adequate toilet facilities as well as hygiene education.

The project sponsored by Fresh Life company aims provide sanitation services to the residents to solve hygiene challenges affecting them, according to Managing Director of Fresh Life Limited Antony Mulinge.

“This is so far the meantime solutions to these residents since they cannot get the sea ware line sanitations that are meant in urban areas” he said.

Mulinge also noted that fresh life is keen on building public private partnership to complement efforts in enhancing access to safe sanitation.

“We believe that everyone deserves access to dignified and sanitation. With fresh life toilets, we aim to contribute to the local and global efforts in achieving better hygiene, environmental conservation and climate resilience”

Speaking during the launch, Mombasa County Water, natural resources CEC, Emily Achieng, said the project will also create job opportunities to people living in the identified areas.

MOWASSCO Managing director Abdirahim Farah lauded the initiative saying it will help the locals to improve their living standards as far as hygiene is concerned.

“As a company we are mandated to offer clean water and sanitation and that cannot be achieved through a single solution thereby they join hands with different partners to so make sure that everyone in Mombasa benefit in safe sanitation”, he stated.

Two Fresh Life Toilets are already in use in Tudor.

