Government to use local women and youth groups in tree planting along Mwache Dam

Kasemeni Ward MCA Victor Safari Nyanje during the tree planting exercise./COURTESY

The government through the National Irrigation Authority is planning to use women and youth groups living around Mwache Dam to plant trees in the area.

Addressing residents of Kasemeni ward during a tree-planting exercise in Mwache, Yatich Kipkemei, Secretary Administration in the State Department for Irrigation said the government also plans to buy seedlings from local nurseries.

“We have to ensure that the trees we are planting achieve 100 percent maturity. We will ensure the local community is involved in the tree planting exercises so that when we leave, the community will take care of the trees and help us achieve the 100 percent maturity goal,” said SA Kipkemei.

3,200 assorted indigenous and fruit trees were planted during the exercise. The trees will act as a water catchment area for Mwache Dam and also as food security for residents.

Speaking during the exercise Kwale Deputy Governor Chirema Kombo urged residents to help in watering and securing the trees.

“If possible, we should zone the tree planting areas and allocate them to locals for tree planting even on a contract basis. This will not only ensure that the trees are taken care of but also be a source of income for the locals,” said the DG.

Chirema also urged residents to form groups saying that it will make it easier when it comes to allocation of tree planting areas.

“As a county government, we will help in the process of registering the groups or organizations,” said DG Chirema.

The Mwache project job position will be occupied by Mwache residents.

“We have currently employed around 301 people and about 85 percent of that number are from the local community. We will employ more once we commence the construction of the dam,” said Mwache Project Manager Eng. Vincent Kabuti.

Mwache Dam Progress
Aeriel view of the Mwache Multipurpose Dam Project./COURTESY

Mwache Multipurpose Dam Project will provide 186,600m3 per day of water for Mombasa and Kwale residents.

“The wall will be made of concrete. We are currently preparing the ground to start receiving concrete,” said Mwache Project Manager Eng. Vincent Kabuti.

Mwache dam wall will be 84m high.

“The contractor has built a crushing machine plant that can produce up to five tonnes of ballast in an hour. The plant will generate all the concrete needed for the wall,” added Engineer Kabuti.

Apart from the water, the local community will benefit from other amenities including a police post.

“We will be constructing a dispensary for residents of Kasemeni ward. We also plan to build another school apart from Fulugani primary school that we are currently building to move learners who were displaced by the project,” said the Project Manager.

The project also includes an irrigation scheme that will provide food security for the local community.

