28-year-old Engineering student sets himself on fire in Mombasa


A man has been rushed to Coast General Hospital after he set himself on fire at the Mwembe Tayari roundabout in Mombasa.

The 28-year-old Engineering student is said to have purchased petrol and doused himself before setting himself ablaze at the roundabout.

At the scene were police, fire, and rescue teams.

Crowd throng the Mwembe Tayari roundabout where a 28-year-old Engineering student set himself on fire in Mombasa./COURTESY

The victim who sustained burn injuries was rushed to the hospital by civilians. He was still alive by the time he was taken to the hospital.

The incident occurred just a week after a Teaching student at Shanzu TTC committed suicide by jumping into the Indian Ocean from the Kilifi bridge.

Also read: Family of woman who drowned self in Kilifi cries for help

The reasons for both actions are yet to be identified.

