Hundreds of commuters stranded in Mombasa over matatu strike

Few locals around Kengeleni area in Mombasa as matatu strike starts. photo:Brian Kalama

Hundreds of commutters in Mombasa and other coastal town were forced to walk to work on Wednesdayt following a strike by public service vehicles.

A spot check by Baraka FM, showed that no matatus were on the roads starting 4am with commuters getting stranded.

Several routes in the city and its suburb including Mikindani, Mishomoroni,Changamwe, Miritini and Mtwapa witnessed very few traffic during the morning rush hour.

At Bamburi, most matatu drivers parked their vehicles at petrol stations and other parking bays.

“I have walked from Vikwatani up to Lights to try and get transport to town but on reaching there, no matatu were available so again i have walked up to town:, said a resident.

The situation was made worse by an impending protest called by Azimio coalition over the cost of living.

