Prioritizing performing arts in preserving culture and traditions

Jukwaa Arts Theatre company using arts to preserve memories and culture of the Mijikenda community./FAITH BALTAZAR


The government should prioritize performing arts to preserve the Mijikenda culture and customs.

Speaking to the media, Jukwaa Arts Company Producer and Manager Caroline Ngorobi said arts was a great way to preserve and pass Mijikenda culture and traditions to current and future generations.

“It is a project where we are using theatre and performance to archive the Mijikenda ceremonies and rituals. It is a collaborative process with the Mijikenda communities to create a play to inform the younger generation who may know little or nothing about their culture,” said Ngorobi.

Through the Chimidzi Midzi (Home Matters) project, Jukwaa Arts Company said they will be using theatre performances to archive ancestral memory of the Mijikenda with a focus on rituals and ceremonies.

Ngorobi said the main goal of their shows was to show customs and traditions to the current generation and also preserve them for future generations.

In addition, Caroline has explained that the main goal of starting the exhibition is because many Mijikendas have forgotten their traditions and customs for reasons such as colonialism and the invention of current technology.

The Jukwaa arts theatre is scheduled to perform its first play showcasing the Mijikenda culture. 

