President Ruto turns down salary increment for top officials

President William Ruto. The president rejected a 14% salary increment for top government officials./COURTESY

The salaries for top government officials will remain the same.

Speaking during the unveiling of the digitized e-Citizen services, the GavaMkononi App, and Gava Express, President William Ruto rejected a salary increment proposed by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission for top government officials.

The president, however, approved a 7-10 percent salary increment for teachers, police, and other civil servants from July 1st, 2023.

“I have instructed the SRC to give us international best practices because we need to reduce the gap between all of us who work for the people of Kenya. We need to make sure that the gap between the person paid the least and the person paid the most is not too big,” said President Ruto.

The head of state said it was not possible for people who are at the top to earn 100 times more than people at the bottom.

“We live in the same country, buy the same food, go to the same shop. I have told SRC that there is an internationally accepted formula, it is called compression formula. Until they come back and tell me we meet that threshold then our salaries will have to wait,” said President Ruto

SRC had proposed State officers, including the President, the Deputy President, Cabinet Secretaries, and Members of Parliament get a 14 percent pay rise on average over the next two years starting next month.

Below is a table of the proposed salary increments by SRC;

CurrentJuly 2023July 2024
Deputy President1,227,1881,367,4381,402,500
CS, Governors, AG,
Head of Public Service, IEBC Chair
Secretary to Cabinet
MPs and Senators710,000741,003769,201
Chief Justice1,327,8881,365,9151,403,942

The MPs salaries exclude Committee sitting allowance of sh.120,000 per month.

