More bodies exhumed as President Ruto calls for prosecution of Pastor Mackenzie

AuthoritieS have today exhumed 11 more bodies at Pastor Paul Mackenzie's land in Shakahola, Kilifi County, raising the total to 50./COURTESY

Police on Monday exhumed more bodies from Pastor Paul Mackenzie’s land in Kilifi’s Shakahola Forest.

Speaking to Baraka FM, Haki Africa’s Rapid Response Officer Mathias Shipeta said more than 20 bodies were exhumed on Monday.

“Today 25 bodies were exhumed and eight people were found alive,” said Shipeta.

The 25 bring the total number of bodies to 72.

Meanwhile, President William Ruto has called for the prosecution of Pastor Mackenzie and other people masquerading as religious leaders to mislead people.

“What we are seeing in Kilifi, in Shakahola is akin to terrorism. There is no difference between Mr. Mackenzie who pretends and postures as a pastor when in fact he is a terrible criminal,” said President Ruto.

The Head of State who was speaking during the prison officers’ cadet pass-out parade said Mackenzie was using religion to advance heinous acts just as terrorists do.

“I have instructed the agencies responsible to take up the matter and to get to the root cause and the bottom of activities by people who want to use religion to advance weird, unacceptable ideologies to the Republic of Kenya, that is causing unnecessary loss of life,” said the President.

“Let me say that any religious group that teaches against the tenets of the Constitution, any religious institution that teaches against seeking medical attention or going to school, those responsible should be prosecuted,” he added.

On the other hand, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Kithure has declared Shikahola Forest a crime scene.

Pastor Mackenzie is still in custody following his arrest on the 15th of April, 2023.

