Media Council marks World Radio Day in Mombasa

Baraka FM Mziki Mzuka presenter Lutfia Bakari./BARAKA FM

The Media Council of Kenya marked this year’s World Radio Day for the first time in Mombasa County.

Speaking during the Radio Day celebrations, in line with this year’s theme: Radio and Peace, Media Council of Kenya Chief Executive Officer David Omwoyo urged radio stations to use their platforms as instruments for peace.

“Radio can be used as as a tool to enhance cohesion in the society, but can also stir violence if wrongly utilised,” said CEO Omwoyo.

Also at the celebrations was Ag. County Commissioner for Mombasa Ronald Mwiwawi who also noted the importance of radio in keeping peace and facilitating dialogue.

Commissioner Nwiwawi, however, urged radio stations to invest more in investigative journalism to help bring solutions to different situations.

“Let us not just report on matters but also follow up to find solutions. Investigative journalists should look deeper into causes of violence,” said Ag. County Commissioner Ronald Mwiwawi.

He also urged radios to practice responsible reporting so as to not scare away tourists and investors.

Also at the celebrations was Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Deputy Secretary General Dr.James Njogu.

“Radio has the capacity to set the peace or the conflict agenda. As we broadcast news we should avoid being judgemental, discriminatory or stereotypical. Our coverage of conflict must endeavor to bring peace not violence,” said Dr. Njogu.

Pozi 254 crew (from left) DJ Eric Bismark, Julius Mwashumbe and Triciah Babe./BARAKA FM

While giving a keynote address at the #WorldRadioDay2023, Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir urged MCK to devolve media performance reports to the counties to assist in determining business value.

“As a Former media owner, I greatly appreciate the role Radio plays in being instruments of peace and cohesion in society,” said Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad.

Governor Swamad assured the media that access to information will not be an issue.

“As a County we are working towards improving our infrastructure to ensure that access to information will be seamless and effective,” he said.

“As long as there is no element of conflict or something that legally ties down the county then the information should be accessible,” he added.

Meanwhile, MCK CEO David Omwoyo has urged media houses to pay journalists.

Omwoyo pointed out that proper care of journalists will help in their role of promoting and keeping peace.

“Our radios can only be instruments for peace if the people we are giving the microphone to are peaceful in heart, body, and soul. If they are not paid, if they have not eaten, if they do not even have internet, if they cannot research then they cannot be instruments,” said the Media Council CEO.

