Woman stabs her ex-lover after a failed reconciliation attempt

Police crime scene band./COURTESY

Police in Kasarani, Nairobi County, are looking for a woman who allegedly stabbed her ex-lover before fleeing.

30-year-old Pamela Njambi is said to have stabbed her ex-lover, who is a police officer based at Zimmerman police post, at around 10 pm on Sunday.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) say Njambi attacked the officer as he left her house on Sunday night following a failed reconciliation attempt that lasted 30 minutes.

“According to the officer, his former ex-girlfriend had invited him to her house in a bid to rekindle the dying embers of their once blissful relationship,” read a post by the DCI on its social media pages.

“But the officer turned down the overtures and informed his jilted lover that their relationship had run its course and he had since moved on with his life,” the post continues to read.

Njambi is then said to have discreetly followed the officer as he left her house and attacked him with a sharp object upon reaching the gate to the apartment, before fleeing the scene.

The officer’s cry for help was heard by well-wishers who rescued and rushed him to St.John’s hospital where he received first aid before being transferred to a specialized facility within the city for further treatment.

“The officer who suffered a stab wound in the abdomen is currently in stable condition as efforts to arrest the assailant intensify,” said the DCI.

This comes barely a day after 27-year-old Jacklyn Zakayo allegedly murdered her 47-year-old boyfriend in cold blood.

A 27-year-old woman in police custody after stabbing her boyfriend./FILE

Kennedy Bitonye Oyatsi, a driver at the Kenya School of Law, is believed to have been killed by his girlfriend following a bitter argument over an unspecified issue.

“According to shocked neighbors, a commotion followed by loud screams was heard from their rented house last night, prompting them to rush to the scene in aid of the deceased. Upon arrival, neighbors noticed patterns of blood splatter which littered the floor of the house and the murder weapon, a broken kitchen knife,” said the DCI.

Efforts by the well-wishers to rush Oyatsi to nearby Sinai hospital turned futile after he was declared dead on arrival.

Crime scene detectives based at the DCI national forensic laboratory documented the scene and recovered the murder weapon for further analysis.

“Detectives are currently interviewing more witnesses in a bid to unravel the actual events preceding the murder. Meanwhile, the deceased’s girlfriend Jacklyn Zakayo, remains in custody as the prime suspect behind the murder most foul,” said the DCI.

The DCI has warned couples against resorting to criminal acts and rather seek alternative dispute resolution methods including seeking the intervention of family members, counselors, church leaders etc.

