Ruto has began solving land problems in Coast-Owen Baya

Deputy Minority Leader and Kilifi North Mp Owen Baya PHOTO file

President William Ruto has an ambitious plan to solve the perennial land problem in Coast region.

Speaking on Monday to Baraka FM on the MegaBreakfast Show via phone, Kilifi North Mp Owen Baya said pres. Ruto has started buying land to end squatter problem bedeviling the coast region.

‘In fact as i speak with you, plans to buy land from land owners and other absentee landlords are at an advanced stage.

Baya who is also the deputy Majority leader in the national assembly, said they target to buy land from the Mazrui family and other land owners to distribute to squatters.

‘In our manifesto, we said we would buy millions of acres of land to settle our people. I assure them that Ruto is committed to see them live decently unlike previous governments which did little to help squatters’, he added.

Baya was being hosted by Morning show duo OkumuNaGeorge.

