Over 9,600 Kilifi and Kwale households to get sh 6,500 monthly for food

Residents register for a past WFP cash transfer programme./COURTESY

Over 9,600 households in Kilifi and Kwale counties will be receiving sh.6,500 monthly to cater for their food.

The project by the World Food Programme (WFP) with support from Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), will compliment the government’s efforts in the drought emergency response.

“These two counties were prioritised for support because they were classified as being in crises phase due to poor rainfall performance for four consecutive seasons,” said WFP.

The households will receive cash transfers for the next six months.

“With BHA’s support, WFP will provide food assistance through cash transfers to 6057 households in Kilifi County and 3612 households in Kwale County for 6 months. Each registered household will receive Ksh 6500 per month for 6 months from September through their Mpesa registered phone number,” said WFP.

Beneficiaries will receive an SMS before every disbursement cycle to inform them on the disbursement dates and amount.

The two counties will also be providing free treatment for malnutrition in health facilities across the counties.

The medical services which are supported by WFP and USAID will be available for children under the age of five and pregnant and lactating women.

