Abu Joho to blame for the fight in Nyali- Mohammed Ali

Nyali member of Parliament Mohammed Ali./COURTESY


Mohammed Ali accused fellow Nyali MP aspirant Said Abdalla Joho, commonly known as Abu Joho, of inciting youths and hiring goons to cause the violence that happened in Nyali on Sunday.

Speaking at the Hustler Centre, the Nyali Member of Parliament said Abu Joho will be responsible for any bad thing that happens in Mombasa during the elections.

“If any blood will be shed or if anything bad happens in Mombasa, lawful action will be taken against you, ” Ali told Abu Joho.

Ali also accused Joho of negatively influencing the law enforcements.

The accusation follows a confrontation that occurred Sunday between two different political factions resulting in the injury several youths.

“I won’t be intimidated by attacks from our opponents. For 3 consecutive days you have caused a lot of violence, and bloodshed in Kongowea. Peace is the only battle worth waging. For true peace is not merely the absence of war, it’s the presence of justice,” wrote Ali earlier on his social media platform.

Efforts to reach Abu for comments were futile.

Meanwhile, police in Taita Taveta County have arrested 13 youths for disrupting campaign rallies.

The suspects were arrested at Soko Ya Zamani in the outskirts of Mwatate town.

