Farmers fault politicians for ignoring them while drafting manifestos on Agriculture

A sorghum farm in Taita Taveta PHOTO COURTESY

Kenya National Federation of farmers has faulted the political class for failing to consult them on matters Agriculture as the political parties were drafting their manifestos.

Speaking in a forum which drew farmers representatives across the country, the CEO of KENAFF  Daniel M’ Mailutha said that it is paradoxical for the political class to draft manifesto which part of it entail agricultural content without consulting stakeholders in the agricultural sector .

He pointed that Azimio la Umoja one Kenya coalition and Kenya Kwanza never consulted them on manifestos, yet Kenya’s economy rides on agricultural sector.

“When Azimio la umoja one Kenya was doing their manifesto Kenaff was not consulted, when  Kenya Kwanza was doing their manifesto Kenaff was not consulted ,in 2027 that should not happen .”M’Milutha said

“If you look at Azimio they said Azimio la Ukulima ,they have said that they will put money to agro processing ,they support the livestock insurance  and  development, the other coalition said that they will use 250 billion shillings in  farming, they will  get two million farmers out of poverty ,put money to crop and livestock ,unless we farmers leaders are organized enough to challenge these people these will be just words “He added

He vowed that even though their input was   not considered in the two coalitions’ manifesto, the federation will push to whoever forms next government.

“As Kenaff leaders whoever wins elections, we shall not leave them rest until what has been given o farmers is given to farmers.”He said

“If Farmers are the people who contribute to 50 percent of the the GDP both directly and indirectly, then the government has to be serious and address issues these farmers want addressed.”He added

M’Mailutha alluded that there are grave matters ought to be dealt with by the government, especially food security, SMES, climate change, Agri-technology, funding to farmers and research.

